Many "good Christians" quote Romans 13 as proof that we must always obey the government but as is clear in scripture, it's always more important to obey God than man.
Make sure you stand strong in your faith in Jesus Christ, full of God's Word and His Spirit, so that when that day comes you are prepared to forsake all for His sake, and to glorify Him, rather than to save your life in this wicked world.
We must simply REFUSE to CONSENT or to COMPLY with the diktats of the State. We are the people. If they are not serving us, we need to starve them out of existence. Before they, literally, starve us to death through their planned famines.
The following two videos which highlight the lethal injection madness that we're all being bludgeoned with, worldwide, are a must see: 1) the interview between Reinette Senum and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, and 2) the interview with Ilana Rachel Daniel in Jerusalem.
Professing Christians, worldwide, are in eternally grave danger of going astray, each to his own way, to say nothing of the false princes, priests and prophets who are busy being about their father the devil's business.
Folks, I've just shared the following with a pastor friend in Uganda who earns his living as a farmer. When I asked him how his crops are this season, he said because of the heat and lack of rain they are drying out ...
This is a worldwide takeover under the wicked guise of an irrefutably fake "pandemic". They pulled the trigger last year, and they're betting EVERYTHING on this worldwide fascist-communist coup to usher in the long-prophesied New World Order.
Folks, here's a potentially challenging, difficult message for us all to hear, to consider, to lament concerning, and to pray about to our loving Father in Jesus' holy name.
The difference between justification (which happens in a moment, when we confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead) and sanctification (which is a process that occurs over the course of time).
The corrupt Masoretic text, circa 1,000 A.D., is the basis for all Old Testament translations today. However, the Greek Septuagint, circa 250 years B.C., contains key differences that are in line with the New Testament.
The Catholic "Church" is responsible for giving the world the pagan unholy days of Christmas (Saturnalia, a celebration of debauchery) and Easter (Ishtar, a celebration of the Babylonian goddess of prostitution).
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