The number seven appears 54 times in the Book of Revelation, in 31 different verses. Here are the first mentions of the various sevens as they appear chronologically.
Does Jesus want us to celebrate “Christmas”? And what about the pagan tradition of celebrating one's own "birthday" each year?
A video that gives another possible explanation — based on the writings of third-century historian Eusebius — of the differences between the genealogies of Jesus in Matthew 1 and Luke 3.
In these last days many have itching ears to hear and believe some new false doctrine. A perennial favorite is the ungodly lie that the nephilim of Genesis 6 are the offspring of fallen angels and the daughters of men.
It’s popular today to dispute the name of Jesus as being the correct name to use for our Lord and Saviour. The argument against the name of Jesus is mainly twofold: “J” is a modern English letter and Jesus would have had a Hebrew name.
Folks, the gospel of Jesus Christ is simple. Don't let the "churches" of man convince you otherwise; they are led by wolves. So simple, in fact, that you now have NO EXCUSE not to share it with EVERYONE!
My word!
Just how important is God's Word to Him? Let us take a close look, and live thereby.
If you ever find your faith wavering — or if you are sharing the gospel with a naysayer who doesn't believe the Bible is God's Word — then please remember the following:
God’s holy Word makes it irrefutably clear that the Comforter is the Holy Spirit NOT the wicked false prophet Muhammad, eternal condemnation be upon him.
If you've not been seeking God's face in continual prayer throughout your every day, please recommit to doing so today. He stands ever ready to hear from you, and to extend His infinite love, grace and mercy.
Within minutes of posting our latest preaching video to YouTube it was not only removed but our channel likewise received its first "strike". For what?
Even Robert Plant of Led Zeppelin knew, "Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run / There's still time to change the road you're on". But only one will lead you to heaven.
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