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Facebook & Instagram BANNED WITHIN 24 HOURS of Going Live!

UPDATE (Tuesday 29 October 2019): Facebook has apologized with the following statement: “We’re sorry that we got this wrong. We reviewed your post again and it does follow our Community Standards.” Hallelujah! Jesus Christ is King! You can join the group here.

On Sunday, October 13, Facebook and Instagram (owned by Facebook) banned / blacklisted across both platforms within 24 hours of the #OFFG website going live!

Meaning that the URL ( for our brand-new website is totally banned from two of the world’s biggest social media platforms, such that no one — not the co-founders of the Christian ministry, nor anyone else across the whole of the world — can post a link that includes our website’s domain name, whether in a Facebook or Instagram post or comment. Thus no shares of our content is possible.

Further, Facebook immediately removed’s Facebook group, which had yet to even be opened to the public. The only members of the Facebook group at the time it was deleted by Facebook were #OFFG co-founders Sean and Katharine Madden, and their Facebook page, such that content could likewise be posted from their Facebook page account into the group.

Therefore, there was exactly no one within the new Facebook group to have been offended by the “offending” post, which follows for your consideration:

Facebook Spam Message in Response to the "Offending" Post

Does the above post seem offensive to you, as reasonable cause for banning / blacklisting an entire website (within 24 hours of its going live), as well as removal of a Facebook group designed from the outset to be a truly God-glorifying community aimed at raising up true disciples of Jesus Christ, as per the Bible?

The below 42-minute video was mentioned in the initial 5-minute brief announcement video published on the day that Facebook’s ban / blacklisting of went into effect, as providing much greater context:

No court case.

No fair hearing.

No explanation as to what, exactly, Facebook found offensive in the above post.

No time schedule provided as to when we can expect any sort of review (which was immediately requested), or rectification, of the situation.

Further, Facebook did not merely remove the post in question.

Instead, they simply banned / blacklisted our entire website from being included within any Facebook or Instagram post or comment — not just for the co-founders of, but for any and all Facebook or Instagram users, worldwide.

Also, in terms of Instagram, we can no longer: 1) like or 2) comment on others’ Instagram posts, or 3) follow other Instagram accounts, nor can we even comment below our own Instagram posts.

Facebook, like all the big social media platforms, is known to be prejudiced against true Bible-believing Christians, preferring to put their full antichrist weight behind the LGBTQ+ community, which everywhere around the world openly demonstrates their overwhelming hatred of followers of Jesus Christ, their incessant calls for “tolerance” ringing, decidedly and persistently, empty. Likewise their “love is love” slogan, when the Bible tells us that God is love. That is, God is the very definition of love. God, literally, equals love:

Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. (1 John 4:7-9)

Pastor David Lynn and his Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries’ recent civil rights rally on behalf of Christians — held in Toronto, Canada on September 28 — shines an irrefutable spotlight on both the glaring hypocrisy of the LGBTQ+ agenda and the manipulative hand of those powers that be, around the world, that control the deceitful megaphones of the media and, thereby, the minds of the world’s populace at large.

On October 1, published the following video in response to the Toronto civil rights rally:

The antichrist powers that be — which include “our” puppet-politicians, worldwide, the mainstream media companies, and the behemoth social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter — are glorying in their arbitrary powers which go, daily, unchecked.

In essence, they simply do whatever they want to do, without rhyme or reason, just like the communist regime did in the Soviet Union. Those who refused to go along with the tyrannical State, or who were unwittingly “outed” by their neighbors, colleagues or family members, were simply disappeared, often never to be seen again.

This is the naked truth of the antichrist Marxist “love is love”, “tolerance” and “safe space” agenda.

Fundamentally, these folk hate the one true living God of the Bible, the creator of the world and of themselves. Jesus Christ is, of course, at the top of their individual and collective hit list. He will remain at the top of this list until His return, first, to gather His elect, and, then, to pour His wholly righteous wrath upon this wicked world.

Thus, these folk rage against Him, because they want, desperately, to glory in the lusts of their flesh, in their own ideas concerning “wisdom” and “justice”, to live according to whatever passing fancy [full documentary] enters into their reprobate minds in any given moment. No matter how debased and abominable.

For those who care, truly, about the truth, as we do at, we ask that you please make your voice of reason heard above the din of debauchery that has swept over the whole of our world like the black plague.

Please join in calling, immediately, for: 1) our website’s domain name ( to be set free on both Facebook and Instagram, and 2) for our yet-to-be-made-public Facebook group to be reinstated.

Please hashtag all of your social media posts with the #FreeOFFG hashtag.

The obvious conclusion, here, is that Facebook is offended by a Christian ministry’s call for its emerging community to glorify God by way of the work that we all do on His behalf.

This is yet one more indication that we’re all living in the long-prophesied last days, the end times, in which Satan spreads his wicked hand over the whole of the world, but which will, of course, be overcome by Jesus Christ upon His return. Praise the Lord! And Hallelujah!

If you’ve not already watched our above 42-minute video in response to Facebook’s tyrannical actions of this week, we also include, therein, what intends to do in response to this egregious censorship from this spirit of antichrist social media platform. YouTube and Twitter are, of course, no better, as they all play a key part in the emerging one world order that hates all true Bible-believing Christians, and, therefore, do all they can, individually and collectively, to ban the truth of God’s true Word and true Christian voices from being heard.

Katharine and I thank you for all your support on behalf of our emerging #OFFG community.

Together, let’s be! 🔥
